Celebrating Over 100 Years

2 sailboats on mascoma lake

The Mascoma Lake Association (MLA) was founded in 1923 “to promote neighborliness and to inspect lakefront properties in the winter months”. In those days lakefront properties consisted of summer “camps” owned by area residents who checked each other’s properties in the winter and organized a few socials in the summer. MLA’s role has changed considerably since then.

The Mascoma Lake Association is a not-for-profit 501.c.3 organization. Everything is done by volunteers. We do not have any paid staff members or offices.

The objectives of the Mascoma Lake Association are to protect Lake Mascoma and its environment, to promote the responsible and sustainable enjoyment of the Lake by all its users, and to educate the public on issues related to these objectives.

Your membership in the Association can really enhance your life at our Lake while helping to protect and preserve our community now and into the future.

We have many ways to make a donation to the origanization. Your contributions will go directly to benefiting Mascoma Lake.

Volunteers are needed to keep our lake pristine for recreation and living. Whatever your interest and time availability, we have a need for you.



Education and information sharing are cornerstones of the MLA mission. We have historically strived to educate membership about matters that are important to the protection of the lake and its environment and for the responsible and sustainable enjoyment of the Lake by all its users. Through the various activities described below, the MLA Board and numerous committee members strive to deliver relevant and timely information. Whether it be printed materials, emails, social media postings, or face to face meetings and events, the MLA wants the Mascoma Lake community to be informed and aware of what makes Mascoma Lake a great place for enjoyment.


This interactive map allows the user to access water quality information of individual waterbodies around New Hampshire. By zooming in and clicking on a waterbody of interest, the user has access to historic and current Lake Trophic Survey reports, the most recent Volunteer Lake Assessment Program (VLAP) reports, Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) reports, ice cover history, cyanobacteria bloom history, Watershed Based Plans, Diagnostic Feasibility Studies, and information on known invasive aquatic species.


Members are educated on the preservation needs of lake wildlife, primarily loons and eagles. Annually the number of loons and eagles and their offspring are monitored and efforts are made to ensure the habitats of the animals are preserved.


In 2013 over 3,000 plants were removed by this process. We need your help to continue keeping this invasive plant at bay. Weed watchers are always needed, no experience necessary. Surface support for the divers is also needed. We will train you. If you are a certified SCUBA diver with some time to volunteer, we can help you become a certified weed control diver. Join our S.W.A.T …the Submerged Weed Attack Team!